Classroom Ideas


Ideas to Jumpstart Your Creativity

Here are some ways to apply all these great ideas: (Please add your ideas and expriences. These are just a few)


Blogs/Vlogs: ("blog"= blog & vlog)

-Have students blog from a character's point of view as you go through a text

-Blog about the process of a project and use it for feedback

-Blog the homework/events of the class (teacher or student driven) as a record, parent info, or for absent students

-Blog about a fieldtrip/series of experiences

-Blog about a science lab and observations

-Use a blog as one of your centers

-Blog as part of the writing process (*popular*)

-Have blog partners/groups that blog and comment on each other's blogs

-Blog about the experience of ______________ (deafness, adoption, being an only child etc)-- be mindful of sensitive topics

-Assign topics or let students just blog as they'd like

-Share ideas for teaching activities or how-tos

-create an online book club

-Showcase student work

-Collect student thoughts on new concepts or ongoing work

-Have stduents blog about vocabulary

-Add your thoughts...


More GREAT ideas on EduBlog Insights



Photo Sharing:

Use photo sharing to:

-Show a picture to be a writing prompt or practice classifiers or other linguistic skill

-Find photos that are royalty free for projects/lesson topics

-Find preteaching photos

-Create a collage or slideshow and embed it into a blog or website

-Find photos and use VoiceThread to comment on them

-Play "Fastr" to practice vocabulary (the game is to guess the tag on the picture)

-Pick some of these fun activities/games that are Flickr based

-Help students find a variety of viewpoints

-Teach Science/Art/Math concepts using images

-Have students create a gallery of photos centered on something then collect peer feedback

-Add your thoughts...


Concept Organization Sites

-Use to create maps and collaborate on projects

-Develop word part lessons that all link together on Prezi (go more than 2 layers on Prezi to do this)

-Create introductory posters (who are you) with Glogster

-Have students create their work on and send to you (instead of turning in paper)

-Develop math concept maps on Prezi or Glogster to show the relation between concepts

-Assign a Glogster hypertext project instead of paper/pencil posters

-Use Glogster to develop a WebQuest

-Add your thoughts...



-Post questions (math or otherwise)  and allow students to collaboratively solve them

-Make a book wiki--pages for each character, event, location, etc

-Book Reviews/Book Clubs

-Vocabulary lists/collaboration

-Timeline creation

-Track participation

-Multi Author story

-Classroom scrapbook

-Highlight student best work throughout the year

-Develop persuasive arguments for a paper or debate (collaboratively)

-Any collaborative work!

-Add your thoughts